Intercropping is an agricultural technique where many crops are grown together on the same field, and it is becoming more widely acknowledged for its ability to improve the productivity and rural livelihoods through raising household income and capital assets. in this context, this study aims to assess the significant mean differences in demographic, economic and farming characteristics across adopting and non - adopting rubber smallholders towards intercropping and examine the impact of above characteristics on the adoption preferences towards intercropping among rubber smallholders in the study area. This research approach based on quantitative and using stratified random sampling method, 150 farmers who cultivate rubber as their major agricultural crop were selected during the period from October 2022 to March 2023. The collected data was analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, independent samples t–test, chi- square test and probit model. Results of frequency showed that 79% of the farmers engaged in intercropping system and 21% of them were not adopted in their rubber cultivation. Independent samples t-test proved that on average age, family size, farming experience, farm income, immature rubber land size and distance to market were significantly differ across adaptors and non-adaptors. Estimated results of probit model revealed that among the demographic characteristics, age, education level, family size and membership of farm organizations were significantly impact on adoption of intercropping. Among the farming characteristics, farm experience, ownership of land, time allocation and nature of land were significant in the study. Farm income and size of immature rubber land are the major determinants among the economic related factors in determining the adoption of intercropping. Findings of the study may help the policy makers to formulate the appropriate strategies to increase the income and ensure the economic stability of rubber stallholders in the study area