Benefits and Challenges of Facebook Live Video Streaming in Sri Lankan Businesses Promotions: Viewers’ Perspective

Show simple item record Amitha, W.A.K. Charuni, A.P. 2024-11-11T09:24:31Z 2024-11-11T09:24:31Z 2022-12-31
dc.identifier.issn 2961-5151 (online)
dc.identifier.issn 2651-0189 (print)
dc.description.abstract The emergence of novel technology and the increasing capabilities of networks have boosted the business world to an amazing level. Business promotions are much easier today than in previous times due to such novel developments. Live video streaming is one of the latest audio-visual communication advertisement tools worldwide, and Facebook live video streaming (FBLVS) is so popular. Countries like Canada, the USA, and China have studied this latest concept. But, in the Sri Lankan context, a gap has been identified to know the viewers’ perspective about FBLVS as it helps business people to fine-tune their promotion activities as per the view of potential buyers. Accordingly, the current study was carried out aiming at studying the benefits and challenges of FBLVS for viewers in Sri Lanka. The researchers conducted an exploratory qualitative study and reached the FBLVS viewers through semi-structured interviews by following the purposive sampling technique. The collected data were recorded and transcribed and identified the relevant open and axial codings followed the research questions. Findings discovered that Interaction, Real-time problem-solving, Cost-effectiveness, Convenience and trustworthiness are the major benefits. Technical issues and Low content quality are the major challenges faced. The researchers opted to fulfil this study's requirement and allow the Sri Lankan community to be aware of live video streaming and FBLVS. Also, this study provides a different perspective on the FBLVS. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya en_US
dc.subject Social live video streaming (SLVS) en_US
dc.subject Facebook live video streaming (FBLVS) en_US
dc.subject Business promotion en_US
dc.subject Viewers en_US
dc.subject Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject JEL codes: L20, L26, L29, M31 en_US
dc.title Benefits and Challenges of Facebook Live Video Streaming in Sri Lankan Businesses Promotions: Viewers’ Perspective en_US
dc.type Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.journal Vavuniya Journal of Business Management en_US

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  • ISSUE 2 [6]
    Vavuniya Journal of Business Management, Volum 5, Issue 2

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