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FARS - 2020: Recent submissions

  • Thushari, B.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Road defect menace is a widely discussed issue in developing countries including Sri Lanka. The roads must be maintained in proper condition and monitored periodically to ensure the road safety and to reduce problems likes ...
  • Murali, K.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Fake currency is a major crime in Sri Lanka. Due to the advances in printing and scanning technology, it is much difficult to identify a fake currency. This research focuses to verify the Sri Lankan currency notes via image ...
  • Kottage, C.D.; Patrick, A.E.S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Zooplankton are the heterotrophic aquatic organism that being drift by water currents and itact as a strong linkage between primary producers and secondary consumers. Zooplankton community structure (diversity and abundance) ...
  • Mohamed Asjath, M.M.; Mohamed Mufassirin, M.M.; Lojenaa, N. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    In the modern era, the process of detecting an unoccupied parking slot and payment collection for parking in a huge parking space have become very monotonous task due to the growth of individual usage of vehicles. Traditional ...
  • Saliny, N.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Flower classification is an important task in many applications. Although, many flower classification frameworks have been proposed in the past, their accuracies are considerably low since intra-class variations of flowers ...
  • Fernando, P.A.S.; Arudchelvam, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Sinhalese was formerly called Sinhalese and is the language of Sinhalese. Sinhala has two forms such as spoken language and written language. Sinhala is very gentle in grammatical form and rigidity. Sinhala has its own ...
  • Sanjeewa, U.D.L.; Patrick, A.E.S.; Jayasinghe, H. D. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Butterflies are one of the widely spread insect community that plays a vital role in the biosphere and very sensitive to weather, climate change and habitat disturbance. Land use pattern and climate change influence the ...
  • Abarna, K.; Patrick, A.E.S.; Jayawardena, U.A. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Ornamental fish farming is one of the important economic activities in Sri Lanka because of its natural resources. Minerals and nutrients are playing a crucial role in the survival of fishes. Among the minerals, Calcium ...
  • Wijesuriya, W.M.R.M.; Thilaganathan, S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Numerical iterative methods are applied for the solution of two dimensional Elliptic partial differential equations such as Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations. These kinds of differential equations have specific applications ...
  • Amrithaa, P.; Kartheeswaran, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Music information retrieval (MIR) is a popular study area in music indexing and music retrieval system.Singer identification (SID) and classification is a subset of MIR which can be used in many applications.People have ...
  • Nafla, A.W.F.; Rasanga, K.L.D.C.; Samarawickrama, R.A.D.; Shabthana, S.; Farwin, A.F.S.; Ahmath, A.V.S.; Naveendrakumar, G. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Marawila is one of the main coastal areas located in the Puttalam district of Sri Lanka, an island bounded by a coastline. Coastal erosion in Marawila became a noteworthy environmental concern in Sri Lanka. The study was ...
  • Anparasy, S.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Fog is a collection of water droplets or ice crystals drapped from the air at or near the earth surface. It significantly reduces the visibility of outdoor scenes and hence causes road accidents, and flight delays. The ...



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