Browsing FARS - 2020 by Publication Date

Browsing FARS - 2020 by Publication Date

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  • Anparasy, S.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Fog is a collection of water droplets or ice crystals drapped from the air at or near the earth surface. It significantly reduces the visibility of outdoor scenes and hence causes road accidents, and flight delays. The ...
  • Amrithaa, P.; Kartheeswaran, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Music information retrieval (MIR) is a popular study area in music indexing and music retrieval system.Singer identification (SID) and classification is a subset of MIR which can be used in many applications.People have ...
  • Nafla, A.W.F.; Rasanga, K.L.D.C.; Samarawickrama, R.A.D.; Shabthana, S.; Farwin, A.F.S.; Ahmath, A.V.S.; Naveendrakumar, G. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Marawila is one of the main coastal areas located in the Puttalam district of Sri Lanka, an island bounded by a coastline. Coastal erosion in Marawila became a noteworthy environmental concern in Sri Lanka. The study was ...
  • Fernando, P.A.S.; Arudchelvam, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Sinhalese was formerly called Sinhalese and is the language of Sinhalese. Sinhala has two forms such as spoken language and written language. Sinhala is very gentle in grammatical form and rigidity. Sinhala has its own ...
  • Saliny, N.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Flower classification is an important task in many applications. Although, many flower classification frameworks have been proposed in the past, their accuracies are considerably low since intra-class variations of flowers ...
  • Janen, T.; Sivakumar, S.S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    This paper presents results of the Scientometrics analysis of Water Resource Management research output from Sri Lanka during the period from 1990 to 2019. Research output indexed in Web of Science database. A detailed ...
  • Praveena, T.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Off-line handwritten signature is broadly used for personal identification in financial, commercial and legal document bindings. The automatic verification of human handwritten signature is a key research area with respect ...
  • Wijesuriya, W.M.R.M.; Thilaganathan, S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Numerical iterative methods are applied for the solution of two dimensional Elliptic partial differential equations such as Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations. These kinds of differential equations have specific applications ...
  • Uduwarage, U.D.T.M.; Devaisy, S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    The objective of this study was to compare the performance of waste derived biosorbents - rice hull and peanut hull in removing nutrients from rice mill wastewater. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted for both ...
  • Kottage, C.D.; Patrick, A.E.S. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Zooplankton are the heterotrophic aquatic organism that being drift by water currents and itact as a strong linkage between primary producers and secondary consumers. Zooplankton community structure (diversity and abundance) ...
  • Elankumaran, C. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    This study focuses on the socio-economic influences on the nature of mental health in post-war Jaffna society, prior to Covid-19 pandemic. This is a follow-up study of “Jaffna Socioeconomic Health Study 1999”. A sample of ...
  • Thushari, B.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Road defect menace is a widely discussed issue in developing countries including Sri Lanka. The roads must be maintained in proper condition and monitored periodically to ensure the road safety and to reduce problems likes ...
  • Vithusa, K.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Biometric authentication plays a major role in personal information security since it provides a strong link between an individual and a data record. Nowadays, several biometric features are used to identify a person such ...
  • Sandaruwani, H.H.N.; Kartheeswaran, T.; Liyanage, U. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the largest mammalian ever living on the planet. They are long-range migration species because of their breeding and feedings patterns. Therefore, the population is varied from time ...
  • Panchalingam, M. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Assessment of the heterogeneity of soil and water quality characteristics from river mouth to river fall of Kala Oya estuary on North-Western coast of Sri Lanka for a period of four months from March to June 2017 was carried ...
  • Keerthanaram, T.; Lahiru Pramod, J.V.G.; Riskhan, M.N.; Udaranga, H.N.S. C. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Pokkunutenna located adjacent to Udawalawe National park, and Dahiyagala Sanctuary faces human-elephant conflict (HEC) significantly and is perceived as high in human casualties. A questionnaire survey and field assessment ...
  • Abarna, K.; Patrick, A.E.S.; Jayawardena, U.A. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Ornamental fish farming is one of the important economic activities in Sri Lanka because of its natural resources. Minerals and nutrients are playing a crucial role in the survival of fishes. Among the minerals, Calcium ...
  • Madurapperuma, B.D.; Kahara, S.N.; Hernandez, K.B.; Corro, L.M. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    The purpose of this study is to use the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) images for mapping wetland vegetation using object-based classification methods and to compare its performance with cropland data layers. The UAS imagery ...
  • Bavaram, K.; Kartheeswaran, T.; Edwin Linosh, N. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Counterfeit electronic products may cause many issues like poor-selling services, poor quality, poor technical support, and also health problems to the customers. Especially nowadays the usage of inter-connected electronics ...
  • Christy, E. J. S. B. A.; Kapilan, R.; Wickramasinghe, I.; Wijesekara, W. L. I. (Faculty of Applied Science, 2020-12-02)
    Ethanol can be produced from any material that contains sugar, starches and cellulosic materials are used as an ideal and inexpensive raw material in the production of ethanol by fermentation. Cellulosic substrates are ...



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