Browsing Faculty of Applied Science by Publication Date

Browsing Faculty of Applied Science by Publication Date

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  • Sanjeewani, H.K.N.; Samarasinghe, D.P.; Jayasinghe, H.D.; Gardiyawasam, P.H.; Wahala, W.M.P.S.B.; Wijetunga, W.M.G.A.S.T.B.; Ukuwela, K.D.B.; Gomes, P.; De Costa, W.A.J.M. (Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), 01-01-20)
    Tropical rain forests (TRFs) are a major carbon sink and play an important role in regulating the global climate. Floristic composition, structure and carbon storage in biomass of TRFs could vary substantially with climatic ...
  • Madhumali, R.M.C.; Wahala, W.M.P.S.B.; Sanjeewani, H.K.N.; Samarasinghe, D.P.; De Costa, W.A.J.M. (Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), 01-01-21)
    The foliage canopy of a forest is important for radiation capture, carbon sequestration and regulation of water relations. The objective of this work was to quantify the response of key canopy properties of tropical ...
  • Umasuthan, S.; Patrick, A.E.S.; Naveendrakumar, G.; Kuganathan, S. (International Science Community Association, 01-04-17)
    In Vavuniya urban area the wash-outs from petroleum automobile service stations contain Kerosene oil, lubricating engine oil, grease as major compounds that contributing oil and grease pollution in Vavuniya reservoir, Sri ...
  • Poh, J.S.; Li, Y.; Nagulan, R.; Fortier, M.V.; Chong, Y.S.; Kwek, K.; Saw, S.M.; Gluckman, P.D.; Meaney, M.J.; Qiu, A. (ElSEVIER/NeuroImage, 01-08-15)
    The thalamus is a deep gray matter structure and consists of axonal fibers projecting to the entire cortex, which provide the anatomical support for its sensorimotor and higher-level cognitive functions. There is limited ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Vithanage, M.; Obeysekera, J. (Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 02-12-18)
    Because of the topographic nature and dendritic stream network, Sri Lanka is vulnerable to river flooding. Most of the rivers originate in the central highlands of Sri Lanka show agreement on climate change impact on the ...
  • Anparasy, S.; Kokul, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Fog is a collection of water droplets or ice crystals drapped from the air at or near the earth surface. It significantly reduces the visibility of outdoor scenes and hence causes road accidents, and flight delays. The ...
  • Amrithaa, P.; Kartheeswaran, T. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Music information retrieval (MIR) is a popular study area in music indexing and music retrieval system.Singer identification (SID) and classification is a subset of MIR which can be used in many applications.People have ...
  • Nafla, A.W.F.; Rasanga, K.L.D.C.; Samarawickrama, R.A.D.; Shabthana, S.; Farwin, A.F.S.; Ahmath, A.V.S.; Naveendrakumar, G. (Faculty of Applied Science, 02-12-2020)
    Marawila is one of the main coastal areas located in the Puttalam district of Sri Lanka, an island bounded by a coastline. Coastal erosion in Marawila became a noteworthy environmental concern in Sri Lanka. The study was ...
  • Vijitharan, S.; Loganathan, P. (International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 03-02-16)
    Pesticides are designed to kill the pest and also it’s harmful to human. Synthetic pesticides not only pollute the environment but also persist in vegetables and passed through the food chain. The objective of this study ...
  • Nanthakumaran, A.; Naveendrakumar, G. (Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri lanka, 03-12-13)
    Accumulation of a large amount of waste may create several problems to inhabiting populations. Composting is an environment friendly way of waste management. Good quality compost is essential to improve the soil fertility ...
  • Amrithaa, P.; Shorubiga, P.; Thanoojan, T.; Kartheeswaran, T. (IEEE, 03-12-20)
    Electricity is one of the inevitable sources of energy in our day to day life. Almost every single device we use from the moment we wake up until going to bed is electrically powered. Meanwhile, there is always a problem ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Obeysekera, J.; Vithanage, M.; Iqbal, M.C.M.; Pathmarajah, S. (American Society of Civil Engineers /Environmental and Water Resources Institute, 04-01-16)
    Being a small island and substantially influenced by the confining Great Indian Ocean and the nearby continents, Sri Lanka is potentially vulnerable to the climate changes. The impacts of climate change include changes in ...
  • Meththika, V.; Pasan, C.B.; Novo, Luís A.B.; Amit Kumar; Balram, A.; Naveendrakumar, G.; Manjula, R.; Magana-Arachchi, Dhammika N. (Elsevier, 04-06-22)
    Anthropogenic and natural sources influence trace metals (TMs) bound to different sized particulate matter (PM) in dry and wet atmospheric deposition, which can create ecosystem and human health issues in the long run. ...
  • Loganathan, P.; Manjceevan, A.; Naveendrakumar, G. (Institute of Environmental Professionals, Sri Lanka, 04-07-13)
    This research was carried out to identify the main courses for eutrophication by measuring Nitrate and Phosphate level at different location in Vavuniya tank and to identify the main algae species of and find out environmental ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Obeysekera, J.; Vithanage, M. (Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 04-12-17)
    Even though temperature variation in Sri Lanka is in narrow range, being an island it is vulnerable to the changes happen in the global climate. In this paper, long-term trends in averages and extremes of Sri Lankan ...
  • Naidu, G.; Johir, M. A. H.; Shanmuganathan, S.; Listowski, A.; Vigneswaran, S. (Springer, 04-12-18)
    Presently, wastewater reclamation plants (WRPs) are widely adopting reverse osmosis (RO) as a polishing treatment in the final operation stage. Sydney Olympic Park Authority’s (SOPAs)WRP adopts a treatment operation of ...
  • Kayanan, M.; Kanaganathan, S. (South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 06-07-13)
    Parallel algorithm may be executed as a piece at a time on many processing devices, and then return results at the end. A sparse matrix is huge and consists many zero elements. Its execution process is extremely time-consuming. ...
  • Loganathan, P.; Vijitharan, S. (Postgraduate of Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 06-08-16)
    Consumer awareness is the best way to reduce pesticide related health effects. Many vegetables in the market are contaminated with agrochemicals. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the importance of ...
  • Kokul, T. (Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 06-10-15)
    Support vector machine (SVM) is an efficient classification technique which is widely used in many machine learning applications due to the property of outperforming other classifiers in its generalization performance. ...
  • Nanthakumaran, A.; Kadupitiya, H. K.; Devaisy, S.; Athukorale, W. E. P. (IWA, 07-02-22)
    An attempt was made to identify, validate the village tank cascade systems (VTCSs) and study the water flow from one village tank to another in each VTCS in the eight Agrarian Service Centre (ASC) divisions in the Vavuniya ...



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