Browsing Department of Physical Science by Document type "Article"

Browsing Department of Physical Science by Document type "Article"

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  • Vigneswaran, R.; Thilaganathan, S. (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016-05-12)
    Variable time-stepping algorithms for solving dynamical systems performed poorly for long time computations which pass close to a fixed point. To overcome this difficulty, several authors considered phase space error ...
  • Suthaharan, S; Samarakkody, D; Perera, W. A. S. C (IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), 2016)
    Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) divides the huge bandwidth available on a fiber into several non-overlapping wavelength channels and enables data transmission over these channels simultaneously. Failure of the optical ...
  • Gayani, C.; Kokul, T.; Amalka, P. (Springer, 17-12-19)
    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) showed state-of-the-art accuracyin image classification on large-scale image datasets. However, CNNs showconsiderable poor performance in classifying tiny data since their large number ...
  • Loganathan, P.; Vijitharan, S. (Postgraduate of Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 06-08-16)
    Consumer awareness is the best way to reduce pesticide related health effects. Many vegetables in the market are contaminated with agrochemicals. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the importance of ...
  • Kokul, T.; Fookes, C.; Sridharan, S.; Ramanan, A.; Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A.J. (IEEE, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)., 07-10-18)
    Visual tracking frameworks employing ConvolutionalNeural Networks (CNNs) have shown state-of-the-art performancedue to their hierarchical feature representation. Whileclassification and update based deep neural net tracking ...
  • Vijitharan, S.; Nanthakumaran, A.; Gunatilake, J. (Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 10-09-19)
    In Sri Lanka, Aedesaegypti and Aedesalbopictus are reported to be the vectors transmitting dengue fever to human. Socio-economic conditions of the community contribute to mosquito breeding either directly or indirectly. ...
  • Poh, J.S.; Li, Y.; Nagulan, R.; Fortier, M.V.; Chong, Y.S.; Kwek, K.; Saw, S.M.; Gluckman, P.D.; Meaney, M.J.; Qiu, A. (ElSEVIER/NeuroImage, 01-08-15)
    The thalamus is a deep gray matter structure and consists of axonal fibers projecting to the entire cortex, which provide the anatomical support for its sensorimotor and higher-level cognitive functions. There is limited ...
  • Lojenaa, N.; Nawarathna, Ruwan D.; Suthaharan, S. (IRCICT 2018, Edhat International Ltd, 23-11-18)
    The fundamental activity of a bank is money related transactions. To perform such transactions, the banking service providers expect a valid and accurate signature from the customer to ensure correct identification and ...
  • Suthaharan, S; Ratnam, K; Ragel, R.G (IEEE 7th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS'14), 2014)
    In this paper, we address the problem of providing survivability in elastic optical networks (EONs). EONs use fine granular frequency slots or flexible grids, when compared to the conventional fixed grid networks and ...
  • Vijitharan, S.; Sivarajag, S.; Loganathan, P. (Ministry of Mahaweli Development & Environment, 20-01-17)
    The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a free-floats aquatic plant that has invaded the waterways and reservoirs in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. The study focused on preparing a compost using water hyacinth using the ...
  • Suthaharan, S; Sharfana, F A; Thiruvanantharajah, S (IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2017)
    The advantage of a huge amount of data transmission in form of multimedia broadband services can be benefited using a technique called wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. In WDM, the huge amount of bandwidth ...
  • Vijitharan, S (Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, 2017)
    Home gardens are conventional agro-forestry systems and characterized by the complexity of their structure and multiple functions. The objective of the study was to investigate the socioeconomic features of the study ...
  • Vijitharan, S (International Institute of Knowledge Management, 17-08-18)
    Home composting is a simple, cost effective and environmentally friendly method to manage the household biodegradable waste. The objectives of the study were to investigate the domestic waste management at household level, ...
  • Jeyamugan, T. (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 20-08-16)
    The Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is one of frequently chronicled epidemiological scenario in thepast and ongoing time frame worldwide. Recently, trend of its outbreak seems numerousincidents partially deviated compare to ...
  • Kokul, T.; Fookes, C.; Sridharan, C.; Ramanan, A.; Pinidiyaarachchi, U.A.J. (IEEE, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 17-09-17)
    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been employedin visual tracking due to their rich levels of feature representation.While the learning capability of a CNN increaseswith its depth, unfortunately spatial information ...
  • Kayanan, M.; Wijekoon, P. (Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 2022-06-30)
    The Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) is used to tackle both the multicollinearity issue and the variable selection concurrently in the linear regression model. The Least Angle Regression (LARS) ...
  • Subaramya, V; Perera, A.A.I; Ratnarajah, N (Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 10-11-18)
    Brain networks consist of cortical and subcortical regions as nodes and connections between them as edges. These brain networks convey a huge amount of information that has been almost unexplored previously and the ...
  • Sharad, B.J.; Raut, S.D.; Humbe, V.T.; Kartheeswaran, T. (IJETSR, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 10-02-16)
    Today’s Information Technology grows rapidly withnew technologies and need more security for the data transmissionover the internet. Steganography is one of the solutions to ensurethe data secure over the internet. An audio ...
  • Saranka, S.; Kartheeswaran, T.; Wanniarachchi, D.D.C.; Wanniarachchi, W.K.I.L. (Institute o f Physics - Sri Lanka, 32nd Technical Sessions, March 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22-05-16)
    The possibility to use digital images of tea particles as a tool to monitor fermentation ofblack tea processing is studied in this project. Copper green color is the predicted colorused to measure the degree of fermentation; ...
  • Kartheeswaran, T.; Senthooran, V.; Pemadasa, T. D. D. L. (IEEE, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 21-03-16)
    Today’s Information Technology grows rapidly with new technologies and need more security for the data transmissionover the internet. Steganography is one of the solutions to ensurethe data secure over the internet. An ...



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