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Research Papers: Recent submissions

  • Xolani, V.; Kirushanth, S.; Boniface, K. (Academic Conference International (ACI), 2018-11-12)
    With the easy availability of mobile devices and affordable bandwidth, there has been a proliferation of sharing of perceived expert information, with unreliable source, which have often not been tested in a specialized ...
  • Kirushanth, S.; Kabaso, B. (IEEE, 2018-07-24)
    Road Safety is a major concern around the world. Telematics solutions have been available for more than a decade, and several studies have been done in the use of telematics data in road safety. However, these studies are ...
  • Kirushanth, S.; Kabaso, B. (IEEE, 2019-10-02)
    Identifying overloaded vehicles on a highway is essential for the safety of vehicles on the road as well as for the performance monitoring of highway infrastructure and planning. Traffic enforcement uses various weigh-in-motion ...
  • Ramya, R.; Nanthakumaran, A.; Senanayake, I. P. (Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka, 2019-01-07)
    Ground water is a major source for domestic and irrigation purposes in Sri Lanka and plays a crucial role to human life and economic activity. With rapid growth of population and urbanization water requirements for drinking ...
  • Nanthakumaran, A.; Palanisami, K. (Journal of Environmental Professionals, Sri Lanka, 2013-01-15)
    An attempt was made to study the efficiency of sugarcane production by farmers under the two different sources of water supply viz., tank water with well water and the well water only. The objective was pursued first by ...
  • Athukorala, W.E.P.; Nanthakumaran, A.; Kadupitiya, H.K. (South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2018-12-17)
    The objective of the study was to identify the cascades in the village tanks and to assess the performance of the tanks in the cascades. ArcGIS 10.2.2 and QGIS 2.8.2 software platforms were used to identify the cascades ...
  • Arjunan, K.; Nanthakumaran, A. (Procedia food science,ELSEVIER, 2016-01-01)
    Over consumption of water resources due to unplanned and inappropriate irrigation methods would be a threat to the ecosystem health and to the sustainable agriculture in Vavuniya District. The objective of this study was ...
  • Shah, Pradip; Nanthakumaran, A.; Kawamoto, K. (Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal, 2019-07-31)
    This study deals with Physico-chemical of groundwater and surface water that are degraded by geological structure, poor sanitation, solid waste dumping and cultivation in this area have led surface and groundwater pollution ...
  • Akther, M.S.R.; Nanthakumaran, A.; Sivanantharaja, S. (International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, 2014-12-01)
    The objectives of this study were to create the conversion equation to convert 1inch: 1mile reference of irrigation tanks to National Coordinate system and create a database using Arc GIS 9.3 software through documentation ...
  • Tharani, G.; Akther, M.S.R.; Nanthakumaran, A. (International Journal of Social Science and Management, 2016-07-28)
    An attempt was made to assess the women contribution towards agriculture in Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka. 60 farm family households' women were randomly selected from rural and urban area of Kovilkulam AI region of Vavuniya ...
  • Perera, K.I.M.; Nanthakumaran, A. (Society for Tropical plant research, 2015-04-30)
    Understanding the value of vermicompost, an attempt was made to study the technical feasibility and effectiveness of vermicomposting at household level and to analyze and compare the performance of the crops grown using ...
  • Meththika, V.; Pasan, C.B.; Novo, Luís A.B.; Amit Kumar; Balram, A.; Naveendrakumar, G.; Manjula, R.; Magana-Arachchi, Dhammika N. (Elsevier, 04-06-22)
    Anthropogenic and natural sources influence trace metals (TMs) bound to different sized particulate matter (PM) in dry and wet atmospheric deposition, which can create ecosystem and human health issues in the long run. ...
  • Denesh, A.Michael; Naveendrakumar, G. (International Conference on Global Education and E - Learning (GLOBED 2017), 10-10-17)
    It is skeptical that electronically administered environment (e-learning) replaces the conventional method of teachings and learning among postgraduate students. Though it depended on multiple factors. Preliminary results ...
  • Denesh, A. Michael; Naveendrakumar, G. (Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka, 19-10-17)
    Internship trainings are the first-hand experience to undergraduates which expose them to the practical career before they compete in the actual job market. For most students, this internship training program is the first ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Vithanage, M.; Meneripitiya, S.; Obeysekera, J.; Iqbal, M.C.M.; Pathmarajah, S. (The International Knowledge Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15-02-18)
    Because of the departures from the normal rainfall and extreme ambient temperatures, Sri Lanka is vulnerable to the extreme climate. This paper analyzes the consistency in trends of extreme rainfall and temperature events ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Obeysekera, J.; Vithanage, M. (Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 04-12-17)
    Even though temperature variation in Sri Lanka is in narrow range, being an island it is vulnerable to the changes happen in the global climate. In this paper, long-term trends in averages and extremes of Sri Lankan ...
  • Umasuthan, S.; Patrick, A.E.S.; Naveendrakumar, G.; Kuganathan, S. (International Science Community Association, 01-04-17)
    In Vavuniya urban area the wash-outs from petroleum automobile service stations contain Kerosene oil, lubricating engine oil, grease as major compounds that contributing oil and grease pollution in Vavuniya reservoir, Sri ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Obeysekera, J.; Vithanage, M. (Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 07-10-16)
    Being a small island and substantially influenced by the temperamental monsoon, Sri Lanka is potentially vulnerable to heat waves. The impacts of such temperature are becoming adverse in the view of the apparent increase ...
  • Naveendrakumar, G.; Obeysekera, J.; Vithanage, M.; Iqbal, M.C.M.; Pathmarajah, S. (American Society of Civil Engineers /Environmental and Water Resources Institute, 04-01-16)
    Being a small island and substantially influenced by the confining Great Indian Ocean and the nearby continents, Sri Lanka is potentially vulnerable to the climate changes. The impacts of climate change include changes in ...
  • Akther, M.S.R.; Mohideen, A.R.H.; Tharani, G.; Maddumage, Samith Indika M.R.; Naveendrakumar, G. (30-06-15)
    This research on Kalmadu tank aims to analyze the horizontal and vertical profiles of selected water quality parameters. Twenty randomly selected sampling points on surface and corresponding vertical depths of 30 cm and ...



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