Activities of Vavuniya Public Library and Its Challenges: A Survey Research

Show simple item record Kalaivani, S. Shanmugathasan, S. 2022-05-30T03:47:29Z 2022-06-07T08:13:41Z 2022-05-30T03:47:29Z 2022-06-07T08:13:41Z 23-06-21
dc.identifier.citation Kalaivani, S., & Shanmugathasan, S. (2021). Activities of Vavuniya Public Library and Its Challenges: A Survey Research. Sri Lanka Library Review, 35(2), 36–50. DOI: en_US
dc.description.abstract Public libraries are the best contributors to the community. In this way, Vavuniya Public Library is also providing its services to the community. This study is based on the Activities of the Vavuniya Public Library and its challenges. The descriptive study was selected by a random sampling method based on the population. Data were collected through research tools such as questionnaires, discussions, and documentations. Questionnaires were administered to 100 readers randomly selected from the total readers and the Chief Librarian. Data were analyzed with the adaption of the percentage system, rating scale and the MS Excel software. The results were presented in the form of tables, diagrams etc. The results state that the library faces challenges in their service providing and the readers are dissatisfied with the library activities. Current information sources and services of the library seem scarce. Students and higher education students are found to be dissatisfied with the infrastructure facilities of the library. Inappropriate and lack of staff appointments also cause the perception of unsatisfactory services of the library. It is revealed that the significant challenges of the Vavuniya Public Library are inadequate fund allocation, lack of reader-based information resource mobilization, less prominence for electronic information and braille section, and finding difficulties in the provision of essential social information services to the readers. There should be a clear awareness to be adopted among local government officials about the significance of public libraries. en_US
dc.language.iso ta en_US
dc.publisher Sri Lanka Library Association en_US
dc.subject Public Library en_US
dc.subject Library Activities and Challenges en_US
dc.subject Reader’s Satisfaction en_US
dc.title Activities of Vavuniya Public Library and Its Challenges: A Survey Research en_US
dc.type Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.doi en_US
dc.identifier.journal Sri Lanka Library Review en_US

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