Solid waste management databases play vital roles in effective waste management in
developed countries. In contrast, developing countries having inadequate information
create massive problems when planning waste management projects. The objective of
this study is collection of relevant and reliable information and development of EBIID.It
will be helpful to improve the strategies and policies and design a solid waste management plan for a sustainable solid waste management system.Therefore, data and
information were collected from several sources to feed comprehensive information into
EBIID. Key personal interviews were done with relevant officials of Local Authorities and secondary information gathered fromhandbooks, documents and published papers. Onsite investigations were madeby observingthe services of disposal site and recyclingoperations. Quantitative and qualitative data related to generation, collection, transportation, recycling and disposal are analyzed and displayed in EBIID in the form of
tables or summary sheets to provide the status and know-how of Solid waste management that local authorities are doing in Vavuniya. Researchers, planners, policy
makers and public can access Vavuniya District solid waste management information to
choose the best options for recycling, treatment and reduce the disposal by recycling and
give their feedback to improve the services in future.