Browsing FARS - 2024 by Document type "Conference abstract"

Browsing FARS - 2024 by Document type "Conference abstract"

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  • Mahenthiram, A. (Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya, 2024-10-30)
    The h-function is an increasing and piece-wise defined, and lies on the interval [0,1] as it is given by the probability that a particle released from a basepoint z0 in a region Ω first exit Ω within distance r of z0. Our ...
  • Branavasuthan, S.; Arumairajan, S. (Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya, 2024-10-30)
    One of the main problems encountered by the people around the world is inflation and its effects. Not only Sri Lanka but also many well-developed countries are affected by the effects of inflation. In this study, the factors ...



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